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America The Beautiful - Celebrating America's History, Landmarks, Parks, Artists, Food, Maps, And More! (Children's Hardcover Luxury Storybook)
REF: 1680529293
4.9 de 5 estrellas
- Peso: 2 Lb
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US$ 37
Información del producto
US$ 37
Producto por Amazon
Celebrate the unique beauty of America in this gorgeously illustrated luxury storybook treasure! From sea to shining sea, view gorgeous maps of official landmarks, national parks, state birds and flowers, as well as a fun road trip map! Learn about prominent American artists, innovations, and food that made history and continue to shape our lives. Packed with fun facts, familiar patriotic songs, fun maps, and a heartwarming message, this book can be enjoyed by all ages! Because sometimes we all need to remember why we are America, and why our American family is indeed great! Like a big family, we laugh and cry together; we celebrate and mourn together. We sing, we march, we make changes -- together. We are each different, and our differences are beautiful. The freedom to be your own self is a basic human right -- but when we stand together, our beautiful differences build one amazing country. We are a strong and proud family called America! A fun and educational tribute that captures the heart of America perfect for kiddos and grown-ups too! Sturdy Hardcover with thick board pages designed to withstand traditional wear and tear from kiddosPacked with fun facts both kiddos and grown-ups will enjoyHighlights prominent American artists, innovations, and food that made historyBeautifully illustrated maps showcase landmarks, national parks, and state birds & flowersFun, educational tribute that captures the heart of America perfect for all ages Read more
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- Nuevo: Producto totalmente nuevo en empaque original.
- Usado: Producto con alguna vigencia de uso.
- Renovado: Producto que ha sido reacondicionado para su venta. Aquellos productos en venta que han sido revisados, reparados y re-embalados por el fabricante. Se pueden encontrar en estado aceptable, bueno y excelente, dependiendo el precio dispuesto a pagar.