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Kidde Kitchen Fire Extinguishers for Home & Office Use, 2 Pack: One 1-A:10-B:C and One Specialty Kitchen Extinguisher, Wall Mount & Strap Brackets Included
REF: B0C63914WK
4.8 de 5 estrellas
- Peso: 9 Lb
Información del producto
US$ 87
Información del producto
US$ 87
Producto por Amazon
Keep your home and family safe with the Kidde Kitchen Fire Extinguishers for Home & Office Use Value Pack. Two Kidde Fire Extinguishers are available in this pack: a red, dry chemical fire extinguisher rated 1-A:10-B:C to fight basic fires common to the home involving common combustibles such as trash, wood, paper (Class A), cooking grease, liquids, and gases (Class B), & electrical equipment (Class C) and a white kitchen fire extinguisher that has a specially designed nozzle to reduce the splashing of oil when putting out grease fires that occur when cooking in your home. Both fire extinguishers are manufactured from lightweight aluminum and weigh 3.9 lbs. The painted steel handles, aluminum cylinders, metal valves, and impact-resistant handles make each Kidde kitchen fire extinguisher tough, reliable, and dependable in the event of a fire. The red Kidde fire extinguisher is easy to handle and provides a discharge time of 8-12 seconds, a discharge range of 6-8 feet, an operating pressure of 100 PSI, and the tank is filled with 2.5 lbs. of monoammonium phosphate fire-fighting agent. The white Kidde fire extinguisher is easy to handle and provides a discharge time of 8-10 seconds, a discharge range of 5 feet, an operating pressure of 100 PSI, and the tank is filled with 2.5 lbs. of sodium bicarbonate fire-fighting agent. Both fire extinguishers have an easy-to-pull safety pin, easy-to-read pressure indicator, and instruction label that provides clear steps to operate the fire extinguisher - including a bilingual nameplate. Simply follow the PASS guide: pull the pin, aim at the base of the fire, squeeze the lever and handle, and sweep from side to side. UL-approved strap bracket included. Wall mount included. Single-use only. Dispose and replace if used, discharged, or if fire extinguisher is over 12 years old. For residential use only. UL Listed. 6-year limited manufacturer's warranty. Note that the dry chemical agents in these fire extinguishers are non-toxic but may cause skin irritation.
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- Nuevo: Producto totalmente nuevo en empaque original.
- Usado: Producto con alguna vigencia de uso.
- Renovado: Producto que ha sido reacondicionado para su venta. Aquellos productos en venta que han sido revisados, reparados y re-embalados por el fabricante. Se pueden encontrar en estado aceptable, bueno y excelente, dependiendo el precio dispuesto a pagar.